Sarah Szabo

9x12 in. White Charcoal on Paper

4x6 in. Colored Pencil on Board

9x12 in. Conte on Paper, based on early experiments in particle physics

9x12 in. Pastel on Paper. I did this on an airplane.

Conte and Ink on Prepared Paper, 9x12 in.

6x9 in. Conte on Paper, Based on Tribal Octopus Mask

9x12 in. Charcoal on Paper

Colored Pencil on Pastel Paper, 9x12 in.

Strange lava formations in Iceland, believed to be caused by underwater lava vents. 13x17 in, Charcoal on Paper

Basalt Columns 9x12 in. Charcoal and White Pencil on Paper

27.5mx 39.5 in., Charcoal on Paper

9x12 in. Charcoal on Paper with Wet Brush

Graphite on Paper, 13x17 in. Shape of ear going into reflected shape conch shell into ear receptors that look like sea grapes....into the axon seaweed and dendrite cell body, metamorphosing into a starfish...and on the right bottom is the phoso lipid bilayer of the neuron membrane...before polarization. The overall image depicts the graph of a neural impulse along the axon, made possible by its action potential.

14x17 in. Graphite on paper.

11x14 in. Colored Pencil Leads on Paper. Drawn from life at a medical school.

5x7 in. Charcoal on Paper

7x10 in. Pencil on Paper

Graphite on Paper, 9x12 in.

9x12 in. Charcoal on Watercolor Paper

11x14 in. Quick drawing from life. Please excuse that I did not get to the temporal ridge.

22x30 in. Graphite on Paper

Graphite on Paper, 14x17 in.

4x6 Feet. Graphite on Paper.

9x12, Charcoal and Conte on Paper

Graphite on Paper, 18x24 in.

Sanguine on Prepared Paper, 18x24 in.

Sanguine on Paper, 9x12 in.

5x7 in. Graphite on Paper.

Pastel and Colored Pencil on Paper, 8.5x11 in. Hastings was having an exhibit of artwork inspired by the Hudson River and they denied all my submissions, including this one. :(

6x9 in. Pencil on Paper

Graphite on Paper, 9x12 in.

5x7 in. Charcoal on Paper

14x17 in. Graphite on Paper with some conte

Graphite on paper. 14x17 in.

Graphite and White Conte on Prepared Paper, 9x12 in.

Ebony and Charcoal on Paper. 9x12 in.